dedicated blogsite to Dave Wood's participatory poetry project in Northern Ireland. Started late August and finishing September 2004, it does a compare and contrast with previous visits 1988 - 1998. Also see

13 Sept 2004

for armagh (first working)

two patricks then - one's grey
cleaned up and far sits
from where the town keeps bustling on

one sits by theatre space - the latter white
the former twisted out with long gone

age - what joins them is the shops - the long
stretch - that drops along the merest hill
the cranes seem almost still
but we know their tricks!

what they do is what they do - not wrong
or right to me - i am a mere recorder there
a devotee of pattern changing and things that shift

but two patricks then?
do they (at night)have wrestles here?

do they re-arrange the history of each other's ways
one's old enough - one's made of cleaned up greys