(retrospective) poem for attical
(when I arrived at the hostel - i was tired and full with the blood of the city. i sat down outside and almost wept - attical and the cnocnafeola centre gave me peace and chance to gather my thoughts)
mist lifts itself - lifts me from its greyish beard
and across the silver dam the stillness is still 'still'
this weekend - weeping nearly broke from out my head
there was a peace moved in - that fed me to the gills
that moment then - that moment when the tractor passed
i realised the dream had settled - forced me stop
i was losing it - running round in city haste
had stretched me out to dry - now time it sudden drops
this - the thinning mist - lifts me 'wake - with goodbye sun
a yawning world that warms this traveler's passage on
that was attical (slept me down - built me up)
i leave its mountains - rocks and gentle river-run
there was a peace moved in that fed me to the gills
across the silver dam - the stillness is still 'still'
smaointí ar an ionad 'ait tí chathail,' co. an dúin
ardraítear ceo, tógtar mise ó féheasog liath an cheobhráin
agus trasna an locha airgid chím suaimhneas
an deireadh seachtaine seo - deora ar bhruach m'intinne
fuarthas suaimhneas, a chothaigh mé go smior
an uair sin-tarracóir ag dul tharam
thuig mé gur shíothlaigh an bhrionglóid - cuireadh stad dom
mé ar seachrán p I mo shíor-rith fé luas na cathrach
agus mé anois cloíte ciapaithe-titim an ama orm go tobann
ceo éadtrom do mo mhúscailt -grian le slán a fháil
an domban timpeall ar tí mhúscailt-do mo théamh le taisteal a dhéanamh
b'shin áit tí chatail-codladh na hoíche agus cothú an spioraid ionam
imím óna sléibhte a gcarraigeacha agus crónán na habhann
suiimhneas a thug beatha beatha dom go smor
trasna an locha liath - suaimhneas go suaimhneach fós
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